December 27, 2024

Is it good to use hot water to w...

Is it good to use hot water to wash Virginia?

Wash the area with warm water daily, even if you skip a shower. Avoid using scented soaps and gels. The scents can irritate the area and will only serve as a mask to cover up an actual issue that might be causing odor.深圳無痛人流費用

What is the best medicine to stop itching?

Short-term use of nonprescription corticosteroid cream may offer short-term relief of itchy, inflamed skin. Or try calamine lotion or creams with menthol (Sarna, others), camphor, capsaicin, or a topical anesthetic, such as pramoxine (adults only).

Why does my girlfriend smell turn me on?

According to a 2021 study published in the medical journal Brain Sciences, you might be more attracted to one person's odor and pheromones over another's because that person's DNA makeup is different from yours in a way that's optimal for mating.

Which ointment is best for infection in private parts?

CLOTRIMAZOLE (kloe TRIM a zole) is an antifungal medicine. It is used to treat yeast infections of the vagina. This medicine may be used for other purposes; ask your health care provider or pharmacist if you have questions.

Why am I suddenly getting yeast infections?

The possible causes of infection are numerous. They range from changes in the physical environment, like sitting for too long in a wet bathing suit, to changes in life circumstances, like severe stress or lack of sleep. They are also more common during pregnancy and after a course of antibiotics.

How do you treat an infected private part at home?

Home remedy options to treat yeast infections
Greek yogurt. ...
Boric acid. ...
Essential oil of oregano. ...
Probiotic suppositories and supplements. ...
Coconut oil. ...
Tea tree oil. ...
Apple cider vinegar. ...
More items...

How to prevent bacterial vaginosis?

The following basic prevention steps may help lower your risk of getting BV:
Not having sex.
Limiting your number of sex partners.
Not douching.
Using condoms the right way every time you have sex.



How often should I shave my armpits as a woman?

There is no set schedule on how often should you shave. Shaving frequency is entirely up to you, whether that's every day or every once in a while. How you shave matters more than how often.

Is it normal to smell yourself through your pants?

Some vaginal odor is normal and to be expected. Most women have a musky or fleshy natural scent, but this varies from person to person. Your scent may change as you age or in response to certain stimuli.婦科醫生哪個好

Posted by: jinmei at 03:42 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 443 words, total size 4 kb.

December 22, 2024



那麼,要去哪裡做真空除毛? 採用先進的雷射除毛儀,由經驗豐富的除毛醫生親自操作,根據求美者實際情況調控雷射能量,更舒適,更有效地除去手毛! 如果你也有手毛多的問題,可以考慮做真空除毛. 如果你想了解除毛優惠,隨時可以點擊諮詢預約,蓓爾黛美學診所客服熱情為你服務.


骨科專科醫生 廖敬樂 多打籃球 會長得更高嗎? 不會. 可能是因為長得 較高的人打籃球有優勢,所 以一般人誤以為多打籃球便 有助長高.

Is it better to shave or wax pubes?

[Waxing lasts longer over time because hair is being removed from the follicle whereas shaving just cuts it at the surface," says Shays. [Waxing will leave you smoother longer as unwanted hairs become thinner and in some cases don't grow back at all.

What happens if hair is too long for laser?

When the hair is too long, the laser's energy can be absorbed by the hair above the skin's surface, resulting in less energy reaching the hair follicle. This may lead to suboptimal results and a higher risk of side effects like burns or skin irritation.比堅尼線

Can hair grow back after electrolysis?

If the follicle is not destroyed, the regrowth ultimately achieves its original size. There will always be a certain amount of re-growth after initial electrolysis treatments, even when they are performed by a skilled electrologist.


私密處感染會自己好嗎? 細菌性陰道炎通常會自行痊癒,但若正值懷孕期,有引起併發症的疑慮. 念珠菌陰道炎要靠自己好不容易,也難以根除,一旦免疫力降低,可能又會復發. 滴蟲感染若不治療,可能會讓伴侶反覆受到感染,傳染他人,甚至不孕.



趕走暗沉:雷射光照射後,黑色素吸收後,立即被破壞,肌膚才能透出亮白. 斑點淡化:含有黑色素的部位被雷射光照射後,會立即結痂. 經過數日後隨著痂皮掉落而去除淺斑.激光脫毛

Which is more painful electrolysis or laser?

Electrolysis is considered more painful than laser hair removal. It may require more sessions than laser hair removal, but each session is cheaper. Laser hair removal is a faster, less painful process, but you'll pay more for each session.家用脫毛機

How did Egyptians get rid of body hair?

The Egyptians may have been the forerunners of many beauty rituals, but they invested the most time into hair removal. Women of ancient Egypt removed all of their body hair, including that on their heads, with tweezers (made from seashells), pumice stones, or early beeswax and sugar based waxes.


為了保持頭髮健康,促進生長,建議女性短髮平均六週,長髮則是六至八週,男性則為了保持外觀整潔則是建議可以每個月修剪一次. 若您今天目標是為了讓頭髮留更長,建議則是可以將時間拉長至12週至14週.

Posted by: jinmei at 06:51 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 278 words, total size 4 kb.

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